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Fyi,the only H&R infomation i used from another source is the list of post 1940 letter codes that h&r made available and have been bublished in several publication (blue book and gun parts catalog) and even these published date are not complete because they stop at 1982. Also there were many prewwII h&r firearms that used letter codes in their serial number some examples are the H&R folding single barrel shotgun used a F and some late production model 1908 single guns marked model 08 or standard used a A and very early model 999 (1932-1934) used a D and the model 199 single action used a S. And a whole lot of the second model auto-ejecting models 1890-1906(top breaks) were marked with an A through H depending on just what year they manufactured.my dating of post wwII h&r firearms comes from original research using catalogs and actual firearms. And the information on iver johnson firearms also come from original research for my book and information found at the old factory when iver johnson moved from fitchburg.i use books like the blue book and standard catalog of firearms and was even a contributer to the gun digest book of gun values.

Real Lives 2010 Serial Number

But a lot of information in these books must be taken with a grain of salt as they don't alway rely on original research. I like the standard catalog of firearms for shotguns because there appears to be a lot of original research that is published in it and i like the blue book for very modern firearm and flaydermans guide to american antique firearms for antiques but he does not cover some area very well.thank you for your confidence in my inforamtion as i try to be correct as i can, but i have been proved wrong in the past. Any one who disagrees with some of my information is welcome to present his/her case and we can discuss it to try and find the correct information. One of the things that bothers me the most is information published many year ago that has been proved wrong but never corrected. The only reason i wrote a revision to my iver johnson book was to correct a few mistakes and add all the new information i had learned form other collectors.bill.

Real Lives 2010

Real Lives 2010 Serial Number

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That is what I suspected. It amazes me the amount of misinformation that seems to have more lives than the proverbial cat. I can understand this in some of the casual references made in monthly periodicals and such. What concerns me is that it continues in print in some of the publications of a higher reputation. Of course, there are going to be errors, but when one sees production dates at the end of a written paragraph, like made from 1900 to 1925 and the same author/editor has a chart right next to this info that shows production going on or starting 2 or 3 years from what they just stated and without explanation, well. Enjoy your work and commets.Thanks!